
Why do I need a Wetland Delineation?
Because wetlands provide functions that we as a society value (flood water storage, water quality improvement, wildlife habitat, shoreline protection, etc.) certain laws and regulations have been established to protect and restore them.
Wetland Definition:
Those areas that are inundated or saturated by surface or ground water at a frequency and
duration sufficient to support, and that under normal circumstances do support, a prevalence of
vegetation typically adapted for life in saturated soil conditions. Wetlands generally include
swamps, marshes, bogs and similar area.
Wetland Parameters:
Except in certain situations, evidence of a minimum of one positive wetland indicator from each
parameter (hydrology, soil, and vegetation) must be found in order to make a positive wetland
determination. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Wetland Delineation Manual 1987 Manual.
Wetland Delineation Procedures:
Wetland Delineations start in the office, possible wetland habitats within the project area are pre-
identified using Topographic maps, the USFW National Wetland Inventory Maps, Soil Surveys
and Public Water Inventory Maps as possible areas needing to be investigation during field
survey. Then we visit the site, our field examination follows the MN Wetland Conservation Act
and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Manual procedures by completing the appropriate number
of transects required to confirm wetland indicators for the (hydrology, soil and vegetation)
wetland parameters. If a wetland is identified we then flag the wetland boundary with pink
fluorescent ribbon or wire flags to accommodate for inspection. Once the boundary/ies of the
wetland/s are flagged we contact the Local Governing Unit (LGU) responsible for the Wetland
Conservation Act enforcement. When possible we meet with LGU to review the wetland
boundaries. Once the wetland boundaries are approved we map there location using survey grade
G.P.S. equipment, and compile a Wetland Delineation Report and submit it to the LGU. Once we
receive final approval we send the property owner a copy of the report. |