
Boundary Surveys
Performing a boundary survey involves much more than just finding and/or setting property
corners. The proper records research is the foundation of any boundary survey. Not only is a
boundary survey determining the property that is being surveyed but also the extent of the
neighboring properties. When you order a boundary survey from O'Malley & Kron Land
Surveyors, Inc. you will be furnished with a Certificate of Survey that shows all the existing
conditions of the property and any discrepancies that may exist. The following is a list of different
types of boundary surveys that we perform.
- Lot & Block or Metes & Bounds residential & commercial property surveys
- Setback location surveys for building and structure placement
- ALTA/NSPS Land Title Surveys
- Easement, Right-of-Way, & Route Surveys
- Prepare deed and easement legal descriptions
- Perform property surveys to help determine boundary line disputes
- Expert witness testimony in boundary line disputes.
- FEMA Elevation Certificates