O'Malley & Kron Land Surveyors
High Definition

Subdivision Design

With the complex nature of today's subdivision standards and local government approval process's it helps to have experience on your side. At O'Malley & Kron Land Surveyors Inc. we have the experienced staff to help our clients navigate through all the local regulations and procedures to get your property development completed on time and on budget from the first initial consultation to the final construction phases. We specialize in the following types of property subdivisions.
  1. Rural residential subdivisions
  2. Residential and Commercial subdivisions
  3. High density residential subdivisions ( Condominiums, P.U.D. & Resort Conversions)
  4. Administrative subdivisions

Willmar, MN Location
1004 2nd Street SE
Willmar, MN 53201
Email: ben@omalley-kron.com

Cold Spring, MN Location
340 Chapel Hill Road
Cold Spring, MN 56320
Email: dan@omalley-kron.com
Email: adam@omalley-kron.com
Email: dans@omalley-kron.com

Hutchinson, MN Location
1250 Highway 15 South, Suite 1
Hutchinson, MN 55350
Ph. 320-234-1223
Email: adam@omalley-kron.com